For this project we where given the task of designing and building a prototype of an analogue tool and a digital tool.
Designers : Cam Monteith, Jack Anderson, Nathan Aarts
The Tape: The idea behind the tape came from my summer work where I worked as a hammer hand on building sites. I would always have the older builders yelling maths problems at me to work out. Thats where the idea for a tape measure and calculator all in one came to mind.
The idea behind it is that you can take a measurement and then add, subtract, multiply or divide from a number you manually input or from a second measurement that you take. you can then store up to four measurements on the display to take to the saw with you to save scribbling them down on a scarp of timber.
The Hammer: The idea behind this hammer came from the countless hours I have spent with my grandad in his shed building things. I noticed that as he got older some tasks became a lot harder for him like for example pulling out nails. A basic task to a fit young person but as you age it becomes a challenge and a standard hammer no longer provides enough leverage to pull nails. Thats when the idea of the folding hammer came to mind.
The main feature of this hammer that sets it apart from your standard hammer is the way that it folds out and doubles the length making it substantially easier to pull nails out. And when you are done pulling out nails you simply pull the hammer straight and fold it around. No fiddlely latches or catches. This is due to the simple but effective design of the hinge.